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Common vocabulary in Academic Reading – Unit 24 – Facts, evidence and data

Dưới đây là những từ vựng hữu ích liên quan đến dữ kiện, dữ liệu và chứng cứ, đồng thời những cụm từ kèm theo có thể giúp các bạn hạn chế việc lặp từ trong IELTS Writing. Các bạn hãy làm quen và nắm thật chắc các từ này để việc viết tiếng Anh trở nên dễ dàng thoải mái hơn nhé.

(Nhấn vào đây để xem hướng dẫn)

(Nguồn: Cambridge Academic Vocabulary in use)

Bài tập

Bài tập 1: Những câu dưới đây đều chính xác. Biến đổi chúng bằng cách thay thế những từ in đậm bằng các từ khác hoặc các cách diễn đạt khác mang ý nghĩa tương tự 

1. The data show that the drug education project has been successful. 

2. The data in the latest study are more complete than in the earlier one. 

3. This is the most interesting piece of data in the whole thesis. 

4. What a clear example this is of the power of the human mind! 

5. Unfortunately, the facts do not bear out the hypothesis. 

6. We cannot explain the fact that attitudes are more negative now than five years ago. 

7. The problem arises from the fact that the software was poorly designed. 

8. The article gives examples of different methods which have been used over the years 

9. New evidence has emerged that the cabinet was not informed of the Minister’s decision. 

10. We need to examine the evidence before we can reach a conclusion. 

11. The evidence suggesting that sanctions do not work is plentiful and very strong. 

12.  A considerable amount of evidence now exists, but we always try to get more. 

13. We have a lot of observed data which suggest the problem is on the increase. 

14. This is a clear example of how conservation can benefit local people. 

1. The data indicate/suggest/demonstrate that the drug education project has been successful.  

2. The data in the latest study are more comprehensive than in the earlier one. 

3. This is the most interesting item of data in the whole thesis. 

4. What a/an striking/illuminating example this is of the power of the human mind! 

5. Unfortunately, the facts do not support the hypothesis.  

6. We cannot account for the fact that attitudes are more negative now than five years ago. 

7. The problem stems from the fact that the software was poorly designed. 

8. The article provides examples of different methods which have been used over the years  

9. New evidence has come to light that the cabinet was not informed of the Minister’s decision. 

10. We need to consider the evidence before we can reach a conclusion. 

11. The evidence suggesting that sanctions do not work is abundant and powerful. 

12. A considerable body of evidence now exists, but we always try to get more. 

13. We have a lot of empirical data which suggest the problem is on the increase. 

14. This is a clear instance of how conservation can benefit local people. 

Bài tập 2: Hãy tìm ra 1 từ vựng không phù hợp trong mỗi câu sau đây: 

1. Thorsen’s aim was to establish/ check/ bear out/ present the facts.

2. The evidence suggests/points to/emerges a different conclusion.

3. Lopez collected/ reflected/obtained/ recorded some fascinating data.

4. The writer provides some growing/ telling/ striking/ illuminating examples.

5. The evidence Mistry presents is convincing/ flimsy/vivid/ conflicting.

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